Testimonials from Clients & Colleagues

Paul Brandtrauf

Paul Brandt-Rauf MD ScD DrPH

Dean, School of Public Health, University of Illinois at Chicago
Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Occupational & Environmental Medicine
Chicago, IL
United States

(Click to hear from Dr. Brandt-Rauf)


Alberto Colombi

Alberto M. Colombi, MD MPH

Population Health Manager Practitioner
Global Corporate Medical Director, PPG Industries (former)
Pittsburgh, PA
United States

(Click to hear from Dr. Colombi)


William Bunn

William B. Bunn MD MPH JD

Professor, Northwestern School of Medicine
Editor, Journal of Health & Productivity
Vice President, Navistar Inc  (former)
Chicago, IL
United States

(Click to hear from Dr. Bunn)


Zorianna Hyworon

Zorianna Hyworon

InfoTech, Inc
Winnipeg, Manitoba

  (Click to hear from Ms. Hyworon)


Paul Papanek

Paul Papanek MD MPH FACOEM

Recorder, ACOEM House of Delegates
Los Angeles, CA
United States

(Click to hear from Dr. Papanek)