Yout want your
organization sailing

Service by the Harris Allen Group

Among your vital
decision-making tools
should be the
viewpoint of those you serve-
we'll show you how!


Harris Allen Point the WayServices/Capabilities

The Harris Allen Group is an enterprise with experts in a number of fields. Teams are assembled and tools employed to best fit each client's needs.

Each client engagement is customized to fit specific issues and requirements. We offer a number of services (click on links below) for design, intervention and evaluation, and reporting.

Sometimes our clients want us to merge some subset of these services and capabilities into current initiatives or projects that either they or their vendors have ongoing. More often, they seek comprehensive, "from the ground up" support, and look to us for 'one stop shopping." We can focus anywhere you want along this continuum -- flexibility is a hallmark of our approach.


Intervention & Evaluation
