Value-driven Population Health

Allen H.  Value-driven Population Health:  An Emerging Focus for Improving Stakeholder Role Performance. Popul Hlth Manag . Published online:  April 6,2017 (doi: 10.1089/pop2016.0173).

Workplace Wellness & Culture of Health

Allen H.  Workplace Wellness and Diabetes:  An Approach Coming of Age. Managed Care (invited).  May 2016. 

Allen H.  [Review of Shared Values—Shared Results: Positive Organizational Health as a Win-Win Philosophy by D.W. Edington & J. S. Pitt.  ISBN: 978-0-692-56153-9].  Journal of Occupational & Environmental Medicine. 2016; 58(8):e308-309.

Allen H.  A Reset for Workplace Wellness?  The Health Care Blog.  Feb. 21, 2016.

 Allen H. Success Overlooked -- Navistar, 1999-2009: The Huge Impact an Employer's Approach to Wellness Can Have on Healthcare Costs and Sustained Value. Journal of Occupational & Environmental Medicine. 2015; 57(1):e3-e7.

Allen H, Fabius R. Moving Beyond Wellness ROI Toward Employment-based Cultures of Health: Part I. Health Affairs. Jan. 26, 2015.

Allen H, Fabius R. Moving Beyond Wellness ROI Toward Employment-based Cultures of Health: Part II – The Case Study of a Major Self-insured Employer. Health Affairs. Jan. 30. 2015.

Sustainable Value & Healthcare Reform

Allen H, Burton W.  On Value, Sustainability and the Rollout of Health Care Reform:  A Call to the Implementers.  Population Health Management.  2013;16:288-90.

Allen H, Nobel J, Burton W.   Making Healthcare Reform Work:  Where Physician and Employer Interests Converge.  Journal of the American Medical Association. 2012;308(23):2465-2466.

Allen H.  Second Thoughts: Missed Opportunity.  Milken Institute Review.  2012;14(4):90-94.

Allen H, Mendonsa R, O’Brien P, Brandt-Rauf P.   Sustainable Health Care Reform:  Toward a National Strategy Built on Recent Employer ‘Health and Productivity’ Successes.  Journal of Health & Productivity. 2011;5(2):  2-12. 

Allen, H.  Fostering Stakeholder Collaboration:  A Model for Managing Healthcare Value in the Reforming Marketplace.  Manuscript under peer review.

Allen H. On Providers, Indirect Costs, and Healthcare Reform Opportunities: Taking Stock via Recent Work on Diabetes. Manuscript under peer review.

Health & Productivity/Performance

Allen H, Wright M, Craig T, Markadian J, Cheung R, Sanchez R, Bunn W & Rogers W.  (2014). Tracking low back problems in a major self-insured workforce:  Toward improvement in the patient’s journey. Journal for Occupational & Environmental Medicine.  56: 604-620.

Allen H. Success Overlooked -- Navistar, 1999-2009: The Huge Impact an Employer's Approach to Wellness Can Have on Healthcare Costs. Journal of Occupational & Environmental Medicine. Forthcoming.

Bunn W, Allen H, Stave G, Naim A. How to Align Evidence-based Benefit Design with the Employer Bottom-line: A Case Study – Erratum. Journal of Occupational & Environmental Medicine. Forthcoming.

Allen H, Rogers W, Bunn W, Pikelny D, Naim A.  Reducing Total Health Burden from 2001 to 2009:  A Major Self-Insured Employer’s Counter-Trend Success Story and Implications for Health Care Reform. Journal for Occupational & Environmental Medicine.  2012;54:904-916.

Allen H, Bunn W, Naim A. The Self-Reported Health and Productivity Burden of Auto Immune Inflammatory Disorders at a Major Self-Insured Employer.  Journal for Occupational & Environmental Medicine. 2012;54:1049-1063.

Colombi A, Zyworon Z, Allen H.  Measuring Workplace Depression to Manage It.  Journal of Health & Productivity. 2012;6:5-12.

Allen H, Rogers W, Bunn W.  Managing the Burden of COPD on Workforce Health and  Productivity: Upping a Leading Employer’s Game.  Journal for Occupational & Environmental Medicine.  2012;54:1064-1077.

McLellan R, Sherman B, Loeppke R, McKenzie J, Mueller K, Yarborough C, Grundy P, Allen H,  Larson P.  Optimizing Health Care Delivery by Integrating Workplaces, Homes and Communities:  How Occupational and Environmental Medicine Can Serve as a Vital Connecting Link between Accountable Care Organizations and the Patient-Centered Medical Home.  Journal for Occupational & Environmental Medicine.  2012;54(4):504-512.

Allen H., Hyworon Z, Colombi A. Using Self-Reports of Symptom Severity to Measure and Manage Workplace Depression.  Journal for Occupational & Environmental Medicine.  2010;52(4):  363-374. 

Bunn W, Stave G, Allen H, Naim A. Evidence-based Benefit Design:  Toward a Sustainable Healthcare Future for Employers. Journal for Occupational & Environmental Medicine.   2010;52(10):951-955.

Bunn W, Allen H, Stave G, Naim A. How to Align Evidence-based Benefit Design with the Employer Bottom-line:  A Case Study. Journal for Occupational & Environmental Medicine.   2010;52(10):956-963.

Naim A, Bunn W, Allen H.  Characterizing Lost Productivity and Direct and Indirect Costs of Rheumatoid Arthritis:  A Large, Self-insured Employer’s Perspective.  Value in Health. 2010;13:125-132.

Allen H.  Using Routinely Collected Data to Augment the Management of Health and Productivity Loss. Journal for Occupational & Environmental Medicine. 2008;50(6):615-632. 

Allen H, Sullivan S. Seeing the ‘Health’ in Health Care Costs (one of 20 breakthrough ideas selected for 2006).  Harvard Business Review.  2006; February issue:48-49.

Allen H, Sullivan S.  Healthy Human Capital: An Essentialand Appreciable -- Asset Captures the Eye of the C-Suite.  Health  & Productivity Management. 2006;5(2):31-38.

Allen H, Hubbard D, Sullivan S.  The High Impact of Pain on Employee Health and Productivity: A Case Study. Health & Productivity Management. 2005;4(3): 19-21.

Allen H, Hubbard D, Sullivan S. The Burden of Pain on Employee Health and Productivity at a Major Provider of Business Services. Journal for Occupational & Environmental Medicine. 2005;47: 658-670.

Allen H.  Gaining Greater Confidence in Productivity Self-Reports. Health & Productivity Management.  2004;3(2):9-12.

Allen H, Bunn W & Borden S.  The ITEC Allergy Project:  Lessons Learned.  Health & Productivity Management.  2004;3(3):21-22.

Allen H, Bunn W. Validating Self-Reported Measures of Productivity at Work: A Case for Their Credibility in a Heavy Manufacturing Setting. Journal for Occupational & Environmental Medicine. 2003;45:926-940.

Bunn W, Pikelny D, Paralkar S, et al.  The Burden of Allergies - and the Capacity of Medications to Reduce this Burden - in a Heavy Manufacturing Environment. Journal for Occupational & Environmental Medicine. 2003;45:941-955.

Allen H, Borden S, Pikelny D, et al.  An Intervention to Promote Appropriate Management of Allergies In a Heavy Manufacturing Setting: An Evaluation of Health and Productivity Outcomes. Journal for Occupational & Environmental Medicine. 2003;45:956-983.

Allen H, Bunn W. Using Self-Report and Adverse Event Measures to Track Health's Impact on Productivity in Known Groups. Journal for Occupational & Environmental Medicine.  2003;45:973-983.

Bunn W, Borden S, Allen H. Measuring and Reducing the Burden of Allergies. Health & Productivity Management. 2003;2(3):24-26

Divorce & Children’s Outcomes

Allen H. Unpacking Court Divorce Decrees, Children’s Outcomes and Three Unconfounded Determinants: An Evidence-based Look. Journal of Divorce & Remarriage. 2014; 55(3): 179-205. 

Workhours & Employee Outcomes

Allen H, Woock C, Barrington L, Bunn W. Age, Overtime and Employee Health, Safety and Productivity Outcomes:   A Case Study. Journal for Occupational & Environmental Medicine2008;50(8):873-894. 

Allen H, Woock C.  Can They Take it? What Happens When Older Employees Work Overtime?  Executive Action Reports: The Conference Board. 2008; October issue.                           

Allen H, Bunn W.  How Risky is Overtime, Really? Harvard Business Review. 2007; May:26.

Allen H, Slavin T, Bunn W. Do Long Workhours Impact Health, Safety and Productivity at a Heavy Manufacturer? Journal for Occupational & Environmental Medicine.  2007;49:148-171.

Allen H, Slavin T, Bunn W.  Does Overtime Put Employees at Risk? The Evidence from a U. S. Heavy Manufacturer.  Journal of Health & Productivity. 2007;2(1):20-25.

Allen H, Sivin D, Scharf T, Slavin T. The Impact of Long Workhours on Employee Health and Productivity. Symposium put together by Dr. Allen held at the 2006 NIOSH/APA Work, Stress & Health Conference in Miami, FL. The presentations given by these authors, reflecting employer, worker and regulatory views, are available at

Quality of Care/Satisfaction/Outcomes

Draper D, Rogers W, Kahn K, Keeler E, Reinisch E, Sherwood M, Carney M, Kosecoff J, Savitt H, Allen H, et al.  Effects of Medicare's Prospective Payment System on the Quality of Hospital Care. Available at:  2006.  Accessed June 1, 2014.

Allen H. Anticipating Market Demand: Tracking Enrollee Satisfaction and Health over Time.  International Journal for Quality in Health Care. 1998;10(6): 521-530

Allen H. Reading the Tea Leaves: Anticipating Market Demand for Patient/Consumer Surveys in Health Care.  Introduction to 1998-99 Guide to Patient Satisfaction Survey Instruments, Washington, DC: Atlantic Information Systems. 1998.

Allen H, Foldes, S. Physicians Ratings of Health Plans: Letter to Editor. Journal of American Medical Association.  1998;279(3):193-194.

Druss B, Schlesinger M, Allen H.  Depressive Symptoms, Satisfaction with Health Care and Two-Year Outcomes in an Employed Population.  American Journal of Psychiatry, 2001;158(5):731-4.

Druss B, Schlesinger M, Thomas T, Allen H. Chronic Illness and Plan Satisfaction under Managed Care.  Health Affairs. 2000;19(1):203-209.

Druss B, Schlesinger M, Thomas T, Allen H. Depressive Symptoms and Plan Switching under Managed Competition. American Journal of Psychiatry. 1999;156(5):697-701.

Druss B, Allen H, & Bruce M. Physical Health, Depressive Symptoms, and Managed Care Enrollment. American Journal of Psychiatry1998;155 (7):878-882.

Allen H, Rogers W. Debating Survey Approaches: The Authors Respond. Health Affairs. 1998;17(1): 265-268. 

Allen H, Rogers W. The Consumer Health Plan Value Survey: Round Two. Health Affairs. 1997;16(4):156-166.

Allen H. Using Outcomes Measures to Assess Health Plan Effectiveness.  In International Federation of Health Funds: The 16th International Conference Official Proceedings.  Reading, England: International Federation of Health Funds. 1997:107-127.

Allen H. What Health Care Surveys Accomplish.  Knowledge Link.  Hartford, CT: Coopers & Lybrand. 1997.

Allen H, Rogers W. Consumer Surveys of Health Plan Performance: A Comparison of Content, Approach, and A Look to the Future. Joint Commission Journal for Quality Improvement,  1996;22(12):775-794.

Allen H. The Employee Health Care Value Survey.  In J. McGee et al. (Eds.) Collecting Information from Patients: A Resource Manual of Tested Questionnaires and Practical Advice.  Frederick, Maryland: Aspen. 1996.

Allen H.  A Core Set of Survey Items on Health Plan Consumer Satisfaction: A Recommendation to the National Committee for Quality Assurance.  In Annual Member Health Care Survey Manual: Version 1.0. Washington, DC: National Committee for Quality Assurance. 1995.

Allen H. The Employee Health Care Value Survey.  In B. Rosenthal (Ed) 1996 Medical Quality Management Sourcebook. New York City: Faulkner & Gray. 1996.

Allen H.  Toward the Intelligent Use of Health Care Consumer Surveys.  Managed Care Quarterly, 1995;3(4): 10-21.

Shepard D, Allen H. New Tools for New Times:  Consumer Health Plan Value Survey.  Washington, D.C.:  Coopers & Lybrand Health Care Practice. 1995.

Allen H, Darling H, McNeill D, Bastien F. The Employee Health Care Value Survey: Round One." Health Affairs, 1994;13(4), 25-41.

Allen H. Consumer Assessment of Health and Health care: The Central Iowa Project.  Boston, MA: New England Medical Center. 1994.

Allen H. The Central Iowa Project. Journal of Ambulatory Care Management, 1994;17(4),29-56.

Revicki D, Allen H, Bungay K, Williams G, Weinstein M. Responsiveness and Calibration of the General Well-being Adjustment Scale in Patients with Hypertension.  Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 1994;47(12):1333-1342.

Sherbourne C, Allen H, Camberg C, Wells  K. Physical/Psychophysiologic Symptoms Measure.  In A.L. Stewart and John E. Ware, Jr., Eds. Measuring Functioning and Well-being: The Medical Outcomes Study Approach. Duke University Press: Durham and London. 1992:260-276.

Kahn K, Draper D, Keeler E, Rogers W, Rubenstein L, Kosecoff J, Sherwood M, Reinisch E, Carney M, Kamberg C, Bentow S, Wells K, Allen H, et al.  The Effects of the DRG-Based Prospective Payment System on Quality of Care for Hospitalized Medicare Patients:  Final Report.  Santa Monica:  The RAND Corporation. Available at:  1992.  Accessed June 1, 2014.

Kahn K, Draper D, Keeler E, Rogers W, Rubenstein L, Kosecoff J, Sherwood M, Reinisch E, Carney M, Kamberg C, Bentow S, Wells K, Allen H, et al.  The Effects of the DRG-Based Prospective Payment System on Quality of Care for Hospitalized Medicare Patients:  Executive Summary.  Santa Monica:  The RAND Corporation.  Available at:  1991.  Accessed June 1, 2014.

Draper D, Kahn K, Keeler E, Reinisch E, Sherwood M, Carney M, Kosecoff J, Keeler E, Rogers W, Savitt H, Allen H, et al.  Studying the Effects of the DRG-Based Prospective Payment System on Quality of Care:  Design, Sampling, and Fieldwork.  JAMA, 1990;264(15):1956-1961.

Davies A, Allen H, Manning W, et al. A Summary of the Effects of DRG-Based Prospective Payment System on Quality of Care for Hospitalized Medicare Patients. Santa Monica:  The RAND Corporation.  Available at:  1990. Accessed June 1, 2014.

Healthcare Cost Containment

Allen H. Consumers and Choice: Cost Containment Strategies for Health Care Provision.  Health Psychology, 1984;3(5):411-430.

Allen H. Consumers and Choice: The Forgotten Element in Health Care Cost Containment Policy.  In E. C. Hirschman and M. B. Holbrook (Eds.).  Advances in Consumer Research, 12, NY: NYU. 1984.

Allen H.  Marketing Delivery Strategies: A Solution to the Health Care Cost Inflation Crisis?  In S. Smith and V. Vankatesan (Eds.)  Advances in Health Care Research, Provo, UT: Institute of Business Management, Brigham Young Univ. 1985.

Allen H. Alternative Strategies for Cost Containment in Medical Care: Lay Public Responses under Conditions of Uncertainty. Doctoral dissertation, Dissertation Abstracts International, 1983; 43(10).

Health Attitudes & Behaviors

Allen H, Taylor S. Alternative Theories of Health Policy Attitudes and Preventive Health Behaviors: Self-Interest, Sociotropy, and Socialization.  Basic & Applied Social Psychology. 1984;5(1):19-35.

Davies A, Allen H, Manning W, Bailit H, Ware J. Explaining Dental Utilization Behavior.  Santa Monica, CA: The RAND Corporation. Available at:  1987.  Accessed June 1, 2014.

Community Mental Health

Freeman H, Kiecolt K, Allen H. Community Health Centers: An Initiative of Enduring Utility.  Milbank Memorial Fund Quarterly.  1982;60(2), 245-67.

Freeman H, Kiecolt K, Allen H. Community Health Centers: An Initiative of Enduring Utility.  Policy Affairs Report. Berkeley, CA: Institute of Governmental Studies, 1982;23(4), 1-7.

Grusky O, Tierney K, Holstein J, Anspach R, Davis D, Unruh, Webster S, Vandewater S, Allen H.  Models of local mental health delivery systems.  In W.R. Scott (Ed.) The Organization of Mental Health Services: Society & Community Systems. Beverly Hills: Sage Publications. 1985.

Kierney K, Holstein J, Anspach R, Davis D, Unruh D, Webster S, Vandewater S. & Allen H. Models of Local Mental Health Delivery Systems. American Behavioral Scientist.  1985;28(5), 685-703

Satisfaction/Political Attitudes

Allen H, Bentler P, Gutek B. Probing Theories of Individual Well-being: A Comparison of Quality of Life Models Assessing Neighborhood Satisfaction.  Basic and Applied Social Psychology.  1985;6(3):181-203.

Allen H, Sears D. Against Them or For Me: Community Impact Evaluations. In L. E. Datta, (Ed.) Assessing Outcomes, L. A., CA: Sage. 1979;171-175.

Gutek B, Allen H, Tyler T, Lau R, Majchrzak A. (1983).  The Importance of Internal Referents as Determinants of Satisfaction.  Basic and Applied Social Psychology.  1983;6(3):181-203.

Sears D, Allen H.  The Trajectory of Local Desegregation Controversies and Whites' Opposition to Busing.  In N. Miller & M. B. Brewer (Eds.) Groups in Contact: The Psychology of Desegregation. New York, NY: Academic Press. 1982:123-154.

Sears D, Lau R, Tyler T, Allen H.  Self Interest versus Symbolic Racism in Policy Attitudes and Presidential Voting. American Political Science Review.  1980;74:670-684.

Navistar / HA Group References

Navistar/HA Group References -- List of Citations


Allen H.  Workplace Wellness and Diabetes:  An Approach Coming of Age. Managed Care (invited).  May 2016.  In press.

Allen H.  [Review of Shared Values—Shared Results: Positive Organizational Health as a Win-Win Philosophy by D.W. Edington & J. S. Pitt.  ISBN: 978-0-692-56153-9].  Journal of Occupational & Environmental Medicine. In press (probably June 2016).

Allen H.  A Reset for Workplace Wellness?  The Health Care Blog.  Feb. 21, 2016.

Allen H.  A Little Context in the Workplace Wellness Debate.  The Health Care Blog.  Dec. 19, 2015.